The Verdict Is Out : Bacolodnons Speak On What Is The Real Chicken Inasal - FESTIVALS IN THE PHILIPPINES


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Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Verdict Is Out : Bacolodnons Speak On What Is The Real Chicken Inasal

The fame of Bacolod's chicken inasal has spread far and wide across the globe. The succulent taste of chicken grilled to perfection has captivated palates everywhere. It has often been forgotten, however, that the first ever chicken inasal meal (chicken, garlic rice, atchara, sawsawan, etc.) was conceived by CHICKEN QUEEN of Elisa Garrucho. Elisa Garrucho's offering served as the forerunner to the place known today as Chicken House.

Given that lineage of a recipe, it comes as no surprise that Chicken House was voted as the best tasting chicken inasal in the very first online poll done by a strictly-Bacolodnon Facebook group running to 9,500 members. With a number of inasal names on the poll, the voting eventually turned out to be a three-way contest between Nena's at 22%, Aida's at 25%, and the winner, Chicken House at 37%.

With these results, it becomes clear to the general public as to what real Bacolod chicken inasal should taste like. Said one Bacolodnon who voted on the poll, "It was good to come out with this poll, and strictly participated on only by Bacolodnons because the popularity of this Bacolod delicacy has spawned off other brands passing off their own recipe as the authentic".

"What kind of poll is this?" blurted one Bacolena, "that name should not even be on this list!". Obviously referring to the inclusion of one brand of "inasal" on the poll's shortlist, the poll had to include the particular brand for benchmarking purposes.

For those who still haven't discerned how the real Bacolod chicken inasal should taste like, authentic chicken inasal and other Negros delicacies will be served up at the 26th Negros Trade Fair at the Rockwell Tent in Makati on September 28 to October 2, 2011.

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. that's right, it was Tita Elisa who had that first chicken inasal...I think their resto was in the area of near the Bacolod PNP going to the Bacolod Sanitarium Hosp

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